The Wing Gundam as seen in Gundam Wing Endless Waltz by Hajime Katoki and featured prominently in the Glory of Losers manga. The model kit features a Buster rifle with additional ammo cartridges, shield, beam saber, and pop-up machine cannons in the chest. Can transform into bird mode through rotating parts of the body.
Product Features
- 1/144 Scale
- Made of plastic
- Part of the Real Grade line
- Fully articulated once complete
- Colored plastic means paint is not required but can enhance the model
- Instructions may or may not include English translation
- XXXG-01W Wing Gundam EW
- Beam Saber
- Buster Rifle
- Shield
- Energy Cartridge Pod x2
- 1 pair of open palm manipulators
- 1 pair of weapon-holding manipulators
- 1 pair of closed fist manipulators
- 1 pair of 3-1-1 poseable manipulators
- 1/144 Heero Yuy figurine
- Adapter for Action Base