The titular mobile suit from the OVA series “Gundam Unicorn,” as a 1/144 model kit. Features translucent pink/red plastic to replicate its psyco frame and is equipped with beam magnum and shield. Impressive articulation at a small scale, it can be put into iconic poses from the anime.
Action base not included.
Product Features
- 1/144 Scale
- Made of PS, PE, and PVC
- Based on Gundam Unicorn
- Part of the High Grade Universal Century model kit line
- Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode)
- 4 Beam Saber hilts
- Manipulators
- Weapon-holding (1 pair)
- Trigger-finger (right)
- Beam Magnum
- Beam Magnum Magazine
- Shield (Destroy Mode)
- Adapter (arm)
- Adapter (backpack)
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